Infant Program

Infant daycare at STEM Child Care provides a safe and engaging learning environment. We ensure infants feel secure and happy throughout their day. Each infant receives personalized care, tailored to their schedule, nutritional needs, and development stage. Our program, for infants six weeks and older, helps build a strong foundation for academic success. With our teachers’ support, we foster a lifelong love for learning.

Nurturing Environment

Our warm, caring teachers build strong bonds with your children. They create nurturing classroom environments. Educational toys and stimulating activities engage children daily. Captivating learning experiences are at the core of our approach. Regular assessments ensure children reach key developmental milestones.

Our infant program offers a warm, welcoming space for your baby to explore. Early education professionals guide your child, creating engaging learning experiences. These experiences foster both personal growth and academic discovery. This teaching approach supports the rapid development of your baby in the first year.

Early STEM Education

We use science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) tools in our infant program. Traditional materials like art supplies, writing tools, toys, and books are also included. This early exposure sparks curiosity and creativity in infants. They learn shapes, colors, and develop fine and gross motor skills.

Research shows that unstructured playtime is vital for infants. They learn better through real-world interactions than media at a young age. These children also need hands-on exploration. Social interaction is crucial for developing cognitive, language, and emotional skills.

Register Your Little One With Us Today!